Thursday, November 09, 2006

Back in the Saddle

After a false start last week (7 miles total) I made it out last night for what was supposed to be a short ride. I figured it would be a good idea to try and connect the Interurban Trail from the county line to destination unknown north. It was a brave idea but there are too many poorly marked neighborhood bypasses, sketchy arterial negotiations, and sidewalk jaunts to make this a fun ride without knowing the trail. Once familiar with it I am sure it is no big deal. I do have to say I did get some satisfaction in rolling down the trail at about 20 mph and negotiating a few leaf-strewn S-turns; the kind that have a base of slimy mushy leaves covered by freshly fallen foliage. That is a party.

Anyhow, my short ride ended with 42 miles in the books. Felt very good considering I haven't been on since Early September. Mad props to the kid on the Trek mtb who I passed headed north. He proceeded to drop the hammer, take the lead, and keep that 30-50 meter gap for about 3/4 mile before pulling over to adjust his pack.

Putting the "Christ" Back in...

The ass-monkeys at Wal-Mart are taking a stand and this holiday season, if you stoop and cross the threshold of Hell's Gate and enter, you will be greeted with a resounding "Merry Christmas!" (story) Apparently Satan's minions (Wal-Mart Exec's) came to the conclusion that "Happy Holidays" was too generic... Oh, and the fanatical religious right boycotted them last holiday season since they chose to use "Happy Holidays."

How can somebody be offended by "Happy Holidays?" I couldn't care less if I get a "Happy Hanukkah," "Happy Kwanzaa," "Merry Christmas," or a "Have a good day." I don't offend that easily. It is about the spirit of the message; not the verbage. Don't censor what people can/can't purchase/say and don't push your god/gods/idols upon them either. By doing so is that not turning the tables, getting you selfish way, and projecting your own agenda/intolerance?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely with you it agree. In it something is also to me it seems it is good idea. I agree with you.