It is a week like this last one where I am reminded of a ride through Snohomish out towards Monroe when water was up to my bar-ends in the mid-90's. Man I was dumb back then. I doubt much has changed except my ride partner from that particular ride has "retired," no longer has a mtb, and now is more excited to run. The true sign of the Apocalypse will be when he becomes a nor-dick regular.
After receiving more than the average month of November's rainfall in 7 days the El Sol is making a cameo appearance today. Might be a good day to sneak in an afternoon ride as I don't think we will have many more days like this until February.
Indoor Downhill?
Got this link from the NM bike list about a downhill race in the Mexico subways. I am not a downhiller nor will I ever be, but it is a novel idea.
Indoor Downhill?
Got this link from the NM bike list about a downhill race in the Mexico subways. I am not a downhiller nor will I ever be, but it is a novel idea.
Heavy Metal Roller Dude
This clip pretty much rules. Make sure to watch the clip (clip on the image) as in walks a pudgy little troll (Funny, that is his nickname) with heavy metal hair. Up on the rollers he goes. I was just waiting for him to hit the floor.

we waited a week for a fish story? Damn bro, you gotta step it up. You get out and ride during the sunbreak?
There is this blog I read that sometimes has huge gaps... I thought it was ok to do that...
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