Saturday is the Seattle Kid's Marathon. Hopefully I can complete the final 1.2 miles with C without her dropping me. To get to this point we had to read 13 books and walk/run/jog 13 miles... By my calculations that will add up to 27.2. I think the Kid's Marathon committee is taking advantage of the fact that some little people have yet to develop math skills.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Turkey Day 2006
Off to Mt. Baker today for a couple days with the family. Should be some quality reading time and hopefully I will finish Sinner's Guide to Evangelical Right and Iceland. I am sure we will have a quality snow day and all I am hoping for are no stitches, sprains, or broken bones from Extreme Sledding. Look for it in the Winter X Games 2008.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I Can't Explain...
...Why I am reading so damn much.
Could be no job.. But my reading list and library account is out of control. I guess it is my tax dollars at work.
...Why I am actually riding.
I got some quality time on the bike this week in between rain showers/downpours. Feels good to get out and get the legs moving regardless of the weather. Now if I can just get on the trainer when it all goes really bad.
...Why He's Dressed Like That.
Tonight I actually sat down and watched the "The Who- Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970" compliments of the Sno-Isle Regional Library System. I was looking for something completely different but this caught my eye and have heard quite a bit about it being a historical performance so I grabbed it.
I have to say it was pretty amazing. The Who was the last band to go on in front of ~600,000 people at 2am in the morning. This is an awesome DVD. Even if you are not a Who fan you can watch it and appreciate the music like a classic novel. It pre-dates the choreography and pyrotechnics that can be used to mask shitty music. A couple points:
1) In the interview included on the DVD, Pete Townshend starts off pissing and moaning on how he felt trapped in The Who. They stagnated his growth, reminisced about partying all the time, and he was trapped. He continues on about how simple the other band members were and on and on. About halfway through he then talks about how they were great musicians and had this incredible connection which made the experience amazing...? Which is it, you bitter old man? The interview could have been done as late as 2004. They were just in Seattle in Oct. 2006 and from what I heard, he didn't look half bad jumping around the stage... "For the Love of Money..."
2) Check out the suit John Entwistle was rocking on the DVD. He looks like he just got back from the Kobra Kahn Dojo Halloween party.

Could be no job.. But my reading list and library account is out of control. I guess it is my tax dollars at work.
...Why I am actually riding.
I got some quality time on the bike this week in between rain showers/downpours. Feels good to get out and get the legs moving regardless of the weather. Now if I can just get on the trainer when it all goes really bad.
...Why He's Dressed Like That.
Tonight I actually sat down and watched the "The Who- Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970" compliments of the Sno-Isle Regional Library System. I was looking for something completely different but this caught my eye and have heard quite a bit about it being a historical performance so I grabbed it.
I have to say it was pretty amazing. The Who was the last band to go on in front of ~600,000 people at 2am in the morning. This is an awesome DVD. Even if you are not a Who fan you can watch it and appreciate the music like a classic novel. It pre-dates the choreography and pyrotechnics that can be used to mask shitty music. A couple points:
1) In the interview included on the DVD, Pete Townshend starts off pissing and moaning on how he felt trapped in The Who. They stagnated his growth, reminisced about partying all the time, and he was trapped. He continues on about how simple the other band members were and on and on. About halfway through he then talks about how they were great musicians and had this incredible connection which made the experience amazing...? Which is it, you bitter old man? The interview could have been done as late as 2004. They were just in Seattle in Oct. 2006 and from what I heard, he didn't look half bad jumping around the stage... "For the Love of Money..."
2) Check out the suit John Entwistle was rocking on the DVD. He looks like he just got back from the Kobra Kahn Dojo Halloween party.

Monday, November 13, 2006
Letter of the Law; Spirit of the Law
I do have fond memories of the San Francisco Grand Prix (the now defunct one day race that was held early to mid September for the first part of the '00's). That is the basis for my concept on how cycling in SF would be. If you are a visual person, try this:
San Francisco has been working on a fairly comprehensive bike plan for about 10 years now. Apparently last week there was a suit filed to slow down the plan and subject it to environmental review. This prevents the painting of bike lanes, installation of bike racks, and transportation of bikes on SF Municipal Railway vehicles until they are in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (article).
I could be totally off base, but WTF? I understand you don't want bikes polluting the environment. Painting bike lanes on the street might destroy the delicate balance of the natural pavement ecosystem. Drilling into concrete to secure bike racks? That could tip the balance of nature in favor of man-made environmental features in the center of urban sprawl. You certainly not allow bicycles to piggyback on mass transit so the commuter could actually exercise as well as help the environment. Besides, that might eliminate additional transfers and the transit system would lose revenue by losing those commuters.
So now "they" get to spend a few years and a few million berries to determine if paint asphalt is bad for the environment; if bike racks are OK in a cityscape; and if mass transit will emit more pollution with bikes on board.
Slow Weekend
The Good Old Days
I have had this DVD for over a year now and can never make it past the 35 minute mark in the 4 times I have attempted to watch this. Maybe it is because I try to take it in at about 3pm on a rainy day; regardless, I end up taking a nap. The Ironic thing about that is I am not even a napper. I mean what could be better that Mapei taking another V in the Jello shot inspired kits? Those kits do give me thoughts to a day gone by when a chunk of the Old Crew met up for a ride one spring morning with two new kids... So new that they didn't know that 45 degrees was too cold for their matching short sleeve Mapei jerseys and shorts and nothign else. That would be even too hard for the Lion of Flanders. I am sure VDB would have no problems; just pop a horse tranquillizer.
Speaking of Museeuw and Tafi, I still think the last 100 meters of 1996 Paris-Roubaix is classic. Museeuw is so paranoid he is going to get jumped by Tafi or Bortolami in spite of the team's orders that he is looking over his shoulder. Maybe it was the particular drug he was on back then. Angel Dust can make one paranoid. But I honestly think "The Lion of Flanders" is quite possibly the most kick-ass nickname a rider could have bestowed upon him. Sure, there is "The Cannibal," "JaJa," "DuDu," "El Diablo," "El Pirata," "Elephantino," just to name a few.

Bicycle racing,
The Lion of Flanders
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Back in the Saddle
After a false start last week (7 miles total) I made it out last night for what was supposed to be a short ride. I figured it would be a good idea to try and connect the Interurban Trail from the county line to destination unknown north. It was a brave idea but there are too many poorly marked neighborhood bypasses, sketchy arterial negotiations, and sidewalk jaunts to make this a fun ride without knowing the trail. Once familiar with it I am sure it is no big deal. I do have to say I did get some satisfaction in rolling down the trail at about 20 mph and negotiating a few leaf-strewn S-turns; the kind that have a base of slimy mushy leaves covered by freshly fallen foliage. That is a party.
Anyhow, my short ride ended with 42 miles in the books. Felt very good considering I haven't been on since Early September. Mad props to the kid on the Trek mtb who I passed headed north. He proceeded to drop the hammer, take the lead, and keep that 30-50 meter gap for about 3/4 mile before pulling over to adjust his pack.
Putting the "Christ" Back in...
The ass-monkeys at Wal-Mart are taking a stand and this holiday season, if you stoop and cross the threshold of Hell's Gate and enter, you will be greeted with a resounding "Merry Christmas!" (story) Apparently Satan's minions (Wal-Mart Exec's) came to the conclusion that "Happy Holidays" was too generic... Oh, and the fanatical religious right boycotted them last holiday season since they chose to use "Happy Holidays."
How can somebody be offended by "Happy Holidays?" I couldn't care less if I get a "Happy Hanukkah," "Happy Kwanzaa," "Merry Christmas," or a "Have a good day." I don't offend that easily. It is about the spirit of the message; not the verbage. Don't censor what people can/can't purchase/say and don't push your god/gods/idols upon them either. By doing so is that not turning the tables, getting you selfish way, and projecting your own agenda/intolerance?
Anyhow, my short ride ended with 42 miles in the books. Felt very good considering I haven't been on since Early September. Mad props to the kid on the Trek mtb who I passed headed north. He proceeded to drop the hammer, take the lead, and keep that 30-50 meter gap for about 3/4 mile before pulling over to adjust his pack.
Putting the "Christ" Back in...
The ass-monkeys at Wal-Mart are taking a stand and this holiday season, if you stoop and cross the threshold of Hell's Gate and enter, you will be greeted with a resounding "Merry Christmas!" (story) Apparently Satan's minions (Wal-Mart Exec's) came to the conclusion that "Happy Holidays" was too generic... Oh, and the fanatical religious right boycotted them last holiday season since they chose to use "Happy Holidays."
How can somebody be offended by "Happy Holidays?" I couldn't care less if I get a "Happy Hanukkah," "Happy Kwanzaa," "Merry Christmas," or a "Have a good day." I don't offend that easily. It is about the spirit of the message; not the verbage. Don't censor what people can/can't purchase/say and don't push your god/gods/idols upon them either. By doing so is that not turning the tables, getting you selfish way, and projecting your own agenda/intolerance?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It is a week like this last one where I am reminded of a ride through Snohomish out towards Monroe when water was up to my bar-ends in the mid-90's. Man I was dumb back then. I doubt much has changed except my ride partner from that particular ride has "retired," no longer has a mtb, and now is more excited to run. The true sign of the Apocalypse will be when he becomes a nor-dick regular.
After receiving more than the average month of November's rainfall in 7 days the El Sol is making a cameo appearance today. Might be a good day to sneak in an afternoon ride as I don't think we will have many more days like this until February.
Indoor Downhill?
Got this link from the NM bike list about a downhill race in the Mexico subways. I am not a downhiller nor will I ever be, but it is a novel idea.
Indoor Downhill?
Got this link from the NM bike list about a downhill race in the Mexico subways. I am not a downhiller nor will I ever be, but it is a novel idea.
Heavy Metal Roller Dude
This clip pretty much rules. Make sure to watch the clip (clip on the image) as in walks a pudgy little troll (Funny, that is his nickname) with heavy metal hair. Up on the rollers he goes. I was just waiting for him to hit the floor.

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Consolidate or be dropped
Getting ready for a ride these days I have to put on the heart rate monitor, the iPod, route the bud cords through my jersey, put cell phone on vibrate in my back pocket, and then I am ready to go. Apparently I have been making this much more of a production than I need to.

The Adidas and Polar brain trust put their heads together and designed the Adidas Fusion shirt (left). Although it is currently only marketed to the sadomasochists most others call "runners" it is only a matter of time before the Litespeed-owning 30 mile hammer needs one in his closet so he can calculate to the exact heartbeat the precise moment he can coldly drop his wife and kids on their Sunday afternoon rides.
Check these bad boys out. You can be the talk of your next group ride rocking these Vertex MP3 Bibs from Pearl Izumi. They sport an integrated MP3 player that is operated by a control panel on the left leg.
It is also sporting Blue Tooth technology that will synchronize your chamois with your cel so you can take calls with the press of one button. You can switch from tunes to phone with a tap on your thigh. Notice the mic that is embedded in the shoulder. How sick is that?
The shorts come with a MP3 player, earphones, USB cable, and a travel charger. Cough up $500 for them and they are yours.
I wonder if they offer a crash replacement for these. I myself would only mock the poor bastard who shelled out for these. I am sure there would be a line of others who would be more than willing to go Team Cinzano on his ass and put a pump through is spokes.
I demand a Blue Tooth enabled Atmos with built-in ear buds as that is what is really lacking here.

The Adidas and Polar brain trust put their heads together and designed the Adidas Fusion shirt (left). Although it is currently only marketed to the sadomasochists most others call "runners" it is only a matter of time before the Litespeed-owning 30 mile hammer needs one in his closet so he can calculate to the exact heartbeat the precise moment he can coldly drop his wife and kids on their Sunday afternoon rides.

It is also sporting Blue Tooth technology that will synchronize your chamois with your cel so you can take calls with the press of one button. You can switch from tunes to phone with a tap on your thigh. Notice the mic that is embedded in the shoulder. How sick is that?
The shorts come with a MP3 player, earphones, USB cable, and a travel charger. Cough up $500 for them and they are yours.
I wonder if they offer a crash replacement for these. I myself would only mock the poor bastard who shelled out for these. I am sure there would be a line of others who would be more than willing to go Team Cinzano on his ass and put a pump through is spokes.
I demand a Blue Tooth enabled Atmos with built-in ear buds as that is what is really lacking here.
Halloween:Suburbia Style
Halloween went as planned:
2) 17:05-Red Racer arrival.
4) 17:25-arrival on 3rd. I have a visual. There is a shitload of people down here, Dee.
1) 16:45: Mini-van rendezvous at the Southern Satellite compound.
2) 17:05-Red Racer arrival.
3) 4 Adults, 2 children pile into silver shuttle for departure to downtown Edmonds for trick or treating along Main Street and 3rd.
4) 17:25-arrival on 3rd. I have a visual. There is a shitload of people down here, Dee.
5) 17:27- Youngest member of group freaked out and screaming bloody murder. Did she see a alien? Jason? Pinhead?
Nope, just some guy in a bad mask.
6) 18:30- The troops are showing signs of fatigue in the quest for candy. After weighing bags I decide that there is enough where I can take my cut for transportation costs and all parties will be happy. Time to roll back to home base.
7) 18:45- One mini trooper decides the friendly confines of the indoors is a much better environment to be in than the 35 degrees outside. We have one die hard who is still living the dream.
8) 19:00- The dream is over. After 3 houses she calls the time of death. Back home.
9) 19:20- The best chili I have ever had (I am not even sucking up as my wife doesn't read this) is going down like Sparks at at Step Down.
10) 20:00- Jersey presentation to the new Honduran Cycling Sensation. More to come later.
11) 20:30- House empties out, quiets, down.
12) 21:00- Polishing off my 7th Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. I call it a day.
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