Monday, December 04, 2006
Back in the Game... Kinda.
Ring Tone of Death
Tragic death due to the driver mowing down a cyclist from behind as she was downloading a ring tone to her cell phone. Per the article she "was so far off the road that she hit Mr. Wilhelm from behind with the driver's side of her car." Check out the article to see if you think the punishment fit the crime.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Turkey Day 2006
Saturday is the Seattle Kid's Marathon. Hopefully I can complete the final 1.2 miles with C without her dropping me. To get to this point we had to read 13 books and walk/run/jog 13 miles... By my calculations that will add up to 27.2. I think the Kid's Marathon committee is taking advantage of the fact that some little people have yet to develop math skills.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I Can't Explain...
Could be no job.. But my reading list and library account is out of control. I guess it is my tax dollars at work.
...Why I am actually riding.
I got some quality time on the bike this week in between rain showers/downpours. Feels good to get out and get the legs moving regardless of the weather. Now if I can just get on the trainer when it all goes really bad.
...Why He's Dressed Like That.
Tonight I actually sat down and watched the "The Who- Live at the Isle of Wight Festival 1970" compliments of the Sno-Isle Regional Library System. I was looking for something completely different but this caught my eye and have heard quite a bit about it being a historical performance so I grabbed it.
I have to say it was pretty amazing. The Who was the last band to go on in front of ~600,000 people at 2am in the morning. This is an awesome DVD. Even if you are not a Who fan you can watch it and appreciate the music like a classic novel. It pre-dates the choreography and pyrotechnics that can be used to mask shitty music. A couple points:
1) In the interview included on the DVD, Pete Townshend starts off pissing and moaning on how he felt trapped in The Who. They stagnated his growth, reminisced about partying all the time, and he was trapped. He continues on about how simple the other band members were and on and on. About halfway through he then talks about how they were great musicians and had this incredible connection which made the experience amazing...? Which is it, you bitter old man? The interview could have been done as late as 2004. They were just in Seattle in Oct. 2006 and from what I heard, he didn't look half bad jumping around the stage... "For the Love of Money..."
2) Check out the suit John Entwistle was rocking on the DVD. He looks like he just got back from the Kobra Kahn Dojo Halloween party.

Monday, November 13, 2006
Letter of the Law; Spirit of the Law
Slow Weekend

Thursday, November 09, 2006
Back in the Saddle
Anyhow, my short ride ended with 42 miles in the books. Felt very good considering I haven't been on since Early September. Mad props to the kid on the Trek mtb who I passed headed north. He proceeded to drop the hammer, take the lead, and keep that 30-50 meter gap for about 3/4 mile before pulling over to adjust his pack.
Putting the "Christ" Back in...
The ass-monkeys at Wal-Mart are taking a stand and this holiday season, if you stoop and cross the threshold of Hell's Gate and enter, you will be greeted with a resounding "Merry Christmas!" (story) Apparently Satan's minions (Wal-Mart Exec's) came to the conclusion that "Happy Holidays" was too generic... Oh, and the fanatical religious right boycotted them last holiday season since they chose to use "Happy Holidays."
How can somebody be offended by "Happy Holidays?" I couldn't care less if I get a "Happy Hanukkah," "Happy Kwanzaa," "Merry Christmas," or a "Have a good day." I don't offend that easily. It is about the spirit of the message; not the verbage. Don't censor what people can/can't purchase/say and don't push your god/gods/idols upon them either. By doing so is that not turning the tables, getting you selfish way, and projecting your own agenda/intolerance?
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Indoor Downhill?
Got this link from the NM bike list about a downhill race in the Mexico subways. I am not a downhiller nor will I ever be, but it is a novel idea.

Thursday, November 02, 2006
Consolidate or be dropped

The Adidas and Polar brain trust put their heads together and designed the Adidas Fusion shirt (left). Although it is currently only marketed to the sadomasochists most others call "runners" it is only a matter of time before the Litespeed-owning 30 mile hammer needs one in his closet so he can calculate to the exact heartbeat the precise moment he can coldly drop his wife and kids on their Sunday afternoon rides.

It is also sporting Blue Tooth technology that will synchronize your chamois with your cel so you can take calls with the press of one button. You can switch from tunes to phone with a tap on your thigh. Notice the mic that is embedded in the shoulder. How sick is that?
The shorts come with a MP3 player, earphones, USB cable, and a travel charger. Cough up $500 for them and they are yours.
I wonder if they offer a crash replacement for these. I myself would only mock the poor bastard who shelled out for these. I am sure there would be a line of others who would be more than willing to go Team Cinzano on his ass and put a pump through is spokes.
I demand a Blue Tooth enabled Atmos with built-in ear buds as that is what is really lacking here.
Halloween:Suburbia Style
2) 17:05-Red Racer arrival.
4) 17:25-arrival on 3rd. I have a visual. There is a shitload of people down here, Dee.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Fat Kids and Fat Tires

Even though Operation Puerto is closed for the time being and now it is being said that documentaion was falsified, Jan Ullirch is still "tied up" in legal implications. That is just great. How is it Basso gets off clean and even Tyler Hamilton is "clean," but the under-acheiving lardass from Duetschland is still tangled? It makes absolutely no sense. Let him race and then retire. What is he going to do, win a Tour?
Not a cloud in the sky today here inbeautiful Edmonds. I might have to bust out the bike for a ride... Or sit around inside watching 2003 Flanders while gorging on Halloween candy. I cannot lose either way.
Mountain bikes are catching on....
Good clip on mountain biking on NPR over the weekend. Discusses trail use issues and how hikers, bikers, and horsies are joining forces to maintain and keep trails open.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Gloves are off...
I think you can only bitch and moan so many times about people, or a specific person to be more exact, not updating their blogs. It is exactly like complaining about a a issue/problem and having no solution. On that note:
Hear is my solution. Although eye can knot promise that eye will always bee updating this and keeping it as new as eh fresh cup of java, at least there is now eh benchmark wear eye can bee measured, critiqued, and criticized. So, let if flow. Let yourself go.