That unpredictable wild man, the Dalai Lama, is at it again. Apparently not content with his day job of striving for enlightenment and world peace, now he is attempting to sabotage the 2008 Beijing Games by “spreading rumors.” The Chinese Government is ready to drop gloves and throw down with Tibet if they attempt to “sabotage” the games and disgrace China. It is noted that Tibet is on the schedule for the Olympic Torch relay to pass through; at which point Tibet would have a prime opportunity to voice any issues they have with the Communist Government; but, there is a huge difference between an act of sabotage and an act of protest.
Besides, do the Chinese think the world is naïve enough to not be aware of the fact they have be persecuting Tibet for decades?
Speaking of Naïve…
Steven Spielberg quit as Artistic Director of the 2008 games. Quincy Jones is on the fence as whether to remain on board as Musical Director (he did compose the theme for the 2008 games). Both using China’s support of the Sudanese Government, which government-backed forces have more or less run amok killing hundreds of thousands and displacing millions of Africans over the last five years.
The outcry against China’s current human rights issue has yet to really start.
Never fear though. G-Dub, leader of the free world, will still be personally attending the games: "I'm going to the Olympics. I view the Olympics as a sporting event." Yeah, and the economy is really doing fine.